The Prestige Yachting Update

April 2017

Choreographed Bridge Lighting, One° 15 Brooklyn Marina

bridge lighting

Choreographed Bridge Lighting

A luxurious trip on a private yacht around New York, as offered by Prestige Yacht Charters, will soon become even more glamorous as the state government is beginning a project to install colored lighting on all bridges to Manhattan as well as the Tappan Zee Bridge in Westchester County.

The lighting will assume different colors to mark special events such as red, white and blue for Independence Day, pink for breast cancer awareness month, and orange and blue if the Mets ever win a World Series again.

The lights are also projected to save 40-to-80 percent on energy costs and benefit the environment as the LED bulbs are more efficient.

Dubbed the New York Harbor Crossings Project, the new lighting will also be complemented by automated tolling structures with decorative artwork and special security capabilities.

David Hackert, President of Prestige Yacht Charters, said, "When combined with the silhouette of the New York City skyline, the awesome impact of the Statue of Liberty and the inherent luxury of a private yacht, these new lights will make a trip around New York Harbor more compelling than ever before."

The new lighting can also be arranged to blink on and off in timing with music in a choreographed manner. It is expected to become a popular tourist attraction.

Brooklyn marina

One° 15 Brooklyn Marina

Prestige Yacht Charters is proud to announce the addition of a new vista in its trips around New York Harbor, the ONE° 15 Brooklyn Marina. The site is located between Pier 4 and Pier 5 in Brooklyn Bridge Park, and the $27 million project represents the first new marina in New York in the past 20 years.

The marina offers berths for 100 ships as well as state-of-the-art innovations including a modern wave attenuation system for protection from severe weather.

However, unlike some other marinas, the owners of ONE° 15 are offering several benefits for the surrounding community. These include donating a percentage of their revenues to fund groups who will use the marina for educational purposes.

The Marina also encompasses a community dock where a number of services are offered to the public including a recreational sail club, kayak instruction and a program to teach sailing to kids in a protected basin area.

The marina is designed to offer an introduction to life on the water for busy New Yorkers, and it seems to be succeeding in this respect.