Prestige Yacht Charters: Keeping You Safe Behind the Scenes
Hiring a yacht for a special event or celebration has become very popular. Most folks seeking a vessel are allured by the fancy and sleek yachts they see on TV and in the movies.
As the planning for a special event progresses however, our clients learn about safety and construction requirements limiting passenger capacity and navigation options. For example, the U.S. Coast Guard mandates regular inspections of vessels to ensure and certify adherence to safety regulations for your protection.
Other legislation is designed to protect the U.S. economy. Many think the size of the yacht dictates maximum capacity, but the Jones Act requires any commercial vessel for hire in U.S. waters be constructed in the United States. This law was initially enacted to protect the U.S. maritime industry and shipbuilders, and it remains in effect today. So, any ship with a foreign hull may not carry more than 12 passengers, period, regardless of any other specifications for insurance purposes.
Other factors regulate the capacity of commercial passenger vessels for your protection. Charter yacht companies must satisfy stability ratings and standards regarding fire suppression equipment, lifesaving equipment, watertight compartments, redundant power and operational matters.
While many of these regulations may seem like common sense, they were enacted to protect yachting passengers from unscrupulous organizations who would otherwise rush in solely based on providing the least expensive price point.
In addition to construction and equipment, other regulatory criteria include navigation limits, insurance requirements, crew training and certification procedures. These laws are strictly enforced, and transgressors face heavy fines as well as the possibility of suspension.
Prestige Yacht Charters is focused on providing a vessel and planning an event to fit your needs, but we are vigilant in ensuring a safe place to gather your friends, family and associates.